Rural Tourism, your vacation on an organic farm

Who do we want


Farming has become difficult, climate change threatens our crops and income; for example, summer 2023, excessive heat in July burned 90% of avogados fruit in some plants, 100% in others.....
Therefore, we make our house available to those who want to take a vacation by going through the life of a farm, sharing our food, our thoughts, plans, hopes, fears
And its
And its We like to meet people and compare
Out of here, with everyone/ones, even with those who think very differently and have different life habits
Here, at home, necessarily, with those who share, at least in part, our ideals, with those who are committed, with those who believe that something must be done, that we cannot give up, that we cannot accept everything that the powerful make of us, with those who do not throw butts on the ground, with those who do not want to eat salami every day, with those who want to walk, with those who know how to ask questions and who know how to listen to answers


Traveling by finding free hospitality at farms has become a rampant fad and is producing many very unpleasant side effects
Aspiring volunteers who send emails in bursts and who don't respond to your response, positive or negative
Companies who receive dozens of requests and don't bother to respond, it has become an extra workload....
Volunteers who tell you "I'm coming" and get lost who knows where without giving a hint of life...
This is not what we want, we can't afford this waste of energy
And we can't rack our brains to find a "job" to give the volunteers, perhaps taking that job away from Moustafa, a Moroccan man who has worked with me for 12 years and now has two children? Would that be moral?
That is why, together with the Territorial Community The Garden of Bio-Diversities, we have prepared a calendar of exceptional activities, outside the routine for which we are, of course, already organized, activities for which the contribution of volunteers is appreciated
The calendar is a work in progress, we will update it from season to season
If you are planning to come and spend time with us, first of all, study that calendar, try to understand if what we propose, within the time frame indicated in the calendar, fits your needs and desires
Then, if so, contact us
If you are animated by goodwill, if you don't like to stand by while others do, plan to stay for at least a week, that's the time you need to begin to get to know each other and figure out what and how to do
You can still contact us, we have the good manners to respond to all
But you should know that, outside of that calendar, it is unlikely that we will be able to accommodate you


We have been taking care of our land for years: we clean the road that connects our farms and takes us to the sea, we prune trees and shred the weeds that encroach on the roadway, we plant trees, shrubs and flowers to beautify it, we have planted a forest, we open and maintain the paths that connect us and reach the sea, we build and install "puppets," life-size characters made from garbage, we have installed a small public book exchange library on the street, but also plants and seeds
These activities take time away from our work and sometimes cost, for materials and energy
For this reason, volunteers who would like to join us to do these non-farm interest activities with us, we ask for a contribution toward our maintenance expenses
If you find activities indicated in the calendar that appeal to you, at times of your interest, please contact us
We offer to share with us a week of our life, our fantasies, our cuisine made from our products


In the past years we have welcomed different categories of interns, some university students, to conduct research on sub-tropical fruit growing in a Mediterranean environment or on water use, some Erasmus interns on the multifunctionality of the farm, others from agricultural high schools
We like this formula very much, it allows us to transfer some of our knowledge and experience, while sharing, at the same time, a piece of life, one month, three months, with young people, usually, but not necessarily, committed to change
If you have an internship project in mind, please contact us